Daily Crime Log

Pursuant to the federal Jeanne Clery Act, the daily crime log contains a list of all crimes reported to the University of New Mexico Police Department (UNMPD) and Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) alleged to have occurred within UNMPD’s patrol zone as well as UNM’s Clery Act geography. Incidents listed in UNM’s daily crime log are not limited to those occurring on campus or Clery Act-reportable offenses. UNM’s Clery Act geography is made up of properties and buildings located on campus, certain non-campus properties where UNM or an officially recognized student group controls space, and on publicly owned properties within or adjacent to campus. UNM never publishes information that might identify a victim in any daily crime log entry.


In addition to viewing the daily crime log online, interested parties can view or request a free copy of the daily crime log in person at UNMPD located at the west end of Hokona Hall (Building 58; 2500 Campus Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131), or by calling UNMPD at 505-277-2241.


Explanation of Dispositions:

  • Active—This disposition is used to denote cases that are active. This disposition applies when a case requires additional follow-up or requires some action to be taken by the officer or detective. This disposition is used for both criminal and non-criminal matters (e.g., missing person cases).
  • Inactive—This disposition is used only for criminal cases in which there are no leads. This disposition applies when the assigned officer or detective has exhausted all leads and there are no further investigative steps to be taken.
  • Closed—This disposition is used as an assignment code for cases that do not require any follow-up. This disposition is used to close cases only after assigned officers to the case have completed all casework.
  • Unfounded—A crime is “unfounded” if a reported crime is investigated by law enforcement authorities and found to be false or baseless, meaning that the crime did not occur or was never attempted. Only sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel may unfound a crime.
  • Cleared by Arrest—In the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, a law enforcement agency reports that an offense is cleared by arrest, or solved for crime reporting purposes, when three specific conditions have been met. The three conditions are that at least one person has been:
    • Arrested.
    • Charged with the commission of the offense.
    • Turned over to the court for prosecution (whether following arrest, court summons, or police notice).
  • Cleared Exceptionally—In certain situations, elements beyond law enforcement’s control prevent the agency from arresting and formally charging the offender. When this occurs, the agency can clear the offense exceptionally. Law enforcement agencies must meet the following four conditions in order to clear an offense by exceptional means. The agency must have:
    • Identified the offender.
    • Gathered enough evidence to support an arrest, make a charge, and turn over the offender to the court for prosecution.
    • Identified the offender’s exact location so that the suspect could be taken into custody immediately.
    • Encountered a circumstance outside the control of law enforcement that prohibits the agency from arresting, charging, and prosecuting the offender.

Examples of exceptional clearances include, but are not limited to, the death of the offender (e.g., suicide or justifiably killed by police or citizen); the victim’s refusal to cooperate with the prosecution after the offender has been identified; or the denial of extradition because the offender committed a crime in another jurisdiction and is being prosecuted for that offense. In the UCR Program, the recovery of property alone does not clear an offense.


Sent to the DA—This refers to cleared cases that were sent to the District Attorney’s office for possible prosecution.

Record Number Nature of the Offense Report Number General Location Date Reported Date Time Occurred Disposition